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I'm receiving a git rev-list master error in the IDE?

If you're unable to access the IDE due to the below error message, we'll do our best to get you unstuck with the below steps!

git rev-list master..origin/main --count
fatal: ambiguous argument 'master..origin/main': unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
Use '--' to separate paths from revisions, like this:
'git <command> [<revision>...] -- [<file>...]'

Usually this error indicates that the "main" branch name has changed or it is possible that dbt Cloud was unable to determine what your primary branch was. No worries, we have a few workarounds for you to try:

Workaround 1 Take a look at your Environment Settings - If you do not have a custom branch filled in your Environment Settings:

  1. Disconnect and reconnect your repository connection on your Project Settings page. This should then allow dbt Cloud to pick up that the "main" branch is now called main
  2. In the Environment Settings, set the custom branch to 'master' and refresh the IDE

Workaround 2 Take a look at your Environment Settings - If you do have a custom branch filled in your Environment Settings:

  1. Disconnecting and reconnecting your repository connection on your Project Settings page. This should then allow dbt Cloud to pick up that the "main" branch is now called main
  2. In the Environment Settings, remove the custom branch and refresh the IDE

If you've tried the workarounds above and are still experiencing this behavior - reach out to the Support team at and we'll be happy to help!